Overcome anxiety and step into your full potential

I’m empowering women to success: embracing calm, trusting intuition, harnessing positivity, and confidently striding towards greatness with certainty.

Shine from within

Anxiety is experienced through worries and fears which can present themselves physically or emotionally. In certain situations, anxiety is useful and can keep us alert and make us act quickly to keep us safe…


In ancient hunter-gatherer days, anxiety served as our guardian against immediate predator threats. Today the threat could be a deadline, making a speech, feeling we don’t belong and many others. In both instances the physiological reaction in the body remains the same – your brain cannot tell the difference!

If you’re struggling with anxiety, here are some of the symptoms you may experience:


·      Looping, negative thoughts

·      Racing heartbeat

·      Breathing difficulties

·      Sleep issues

·      Difficulty concentrating and procrastinating on important tasks

·      Withdrawing from family and friends.

·      Fear of failing and being judged



If any of these sound familiar to you, you’re in the right place.


Hi, I’m Emily

I help women overcome anxiety so they can live their best life.

I employ a dynamic blend of time-tested techniques, weaving together hypnotherapy, coaching modalities, and energy healing. This approach is designed to liberate you from limiting beliefs and energy obstacles, foster a positive shift in your mindset, and empower you in every aspect of your life.

My toolkit includes an acclaimed hypnotherapy method known as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and the potent energy healing art of Geo Love Healing. By harnessing the power of these two modalities, my clients experience remarkable transformations. They're able to harmonise their energy and align their minds with their goals, ultimately leading to a profound shift in their lives.

Our mind and energy are akin to a garden. Left untended, they become overgrown, chaotic, and less than desirable. Yet, when we invest in their care and maintenance, they transform into a sanctuary of beauty, serenity, and delight – pristine oasis for our inner world.

Just as in the garden, our minds and energy fields collect information, then attach meaning and emotion to it, which can hinder our progress. However, by releasing outdated beliefs, installing empowering ones, and clearing the path of energetic blockages, we can stride forward with newfound confidence and inner calm, much like taming and beautifying the wild garden into a tranquil sanctuary.

Here’s how I can help you:

·      Feel freer in your body and your mind

·      Drive towards your goals and achieve them

  • Confidently deal with the uncertainty of life

  • Feel comfortable with the uncomfortable

·      Get excited about the future

·      Believe in and love yourself

·      Have phenomenal coping skills

·      Positively deal with stress

·      Finally get a great night’s sleep (and stay asleep!)

·      Have unshakeable confidence in yourself and your abilities

·      Enrich your personal and professional relationships

Here’s how you can work with me:

Step 1: Initial call – we’ll explore where you’re getting stuck and how I can help

Step 2: Work with me 1 to 1 in your sessions and start your journey to transformation

Step 3: Live your best life!


Book your call today by clicking the button below.